Monday, May 31, 2010

And the WINNER IS...

Ladies, we now have our most recent selection for our book club. I know we already read The Help and as awesome as the book was, we never officially were able to have our book discussion. My apologies on that. As you likely remember the club originally had another lady that was overseeing it but due to health reasons she couldn't continue. It was near time for our discussion when I learned we were in limbo and I decided to take over a site for our group. I have focused on getting this site set up and reconnecting our members. This time around, I selected books that would be easy summer reads. I also decided to divide the options as to satisfy some of our members who have a different taste than we have covered so far. I do plan to branch out and include a variety of reading styles and topics. I tend to do the same things with books as I do in restaurants - find something I like and stick to it! Never really trying much else. Of course, I do vary as the years go by, but I feel as if having this wonderful connection with all of you will enlighten me, not only in what I read, but how I think and feel about the pages I travel through. OK, so I drifted slightly on what I was saying...I also wanted to note that although we do have one selection that won the vote for our BEACH READS, we are tied on the THRILLERS. I recommend you add all of the book options to your personal reading list, but do join us for the winner as we begin our latest read. For those of you reading from the THRILLERS section - please read what you voted for and make certain to post your thoughts when you are finished.

And the WINNER IS...

The Senators Wife by Sue Miller

Whichever you read, please post at anytime but especially make sure you POST WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED READING (if you read more than one on the list, post on each). Since this is new for us, and summertime, we want to give everyone plenty of time to complete the book, but also make sure we don't wait too long. I know for myself, I am in the process of moving and won't begin my book for about two weeks, so don't let a hectic schedule stop you! Read what you can when you can! If you don't finish, have no shame! Post where you stopped and what you thought about the book. And no feelings will be hurt if the books are not favorites - state that too. It's important for our next selections.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Are You Ready To Vote On Our Next Read?

                     And awaaay we go!!

It's almost time to cast your vote for our 2nd selection with Sisters Through Books. This time around I have decided to split into two different genres. One being Thriller/Mystery along with Best Beach Reads. Please only vote within one catagory unless you plan to read from each.

Keep in mind that when you visit and post about your favorite authors or books on your reading list, you help create our selected reads. So go on - post it!!

Click on the Amazon link below for book details and reviews.    HAPPY READING  :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Learning the site

Grab a cup of coffee, turn on some music and take a minute to check out our blog for Sisters Through Books. Make sure you run down the side of the page and you will see "PAGES". These work like tabs and you can find different topics to review or post on. Become as familiar with the site as you can.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hello to all :)

Finally, we are up and running. Let me warn you - this blogging is very new to me and I am a bit uncertain of how it all works. So please be patient and if you have any comments or advice, do share!

Our first reading selection was THE HELP By Kathryn Stockett.

Please post a comment as you drop by and let it be known that you have found Sisters Through Books. Also, I would appreciate it if you would take a minute to resubmit the types of reading material you enjoy. Note that you can select more than one topic.

I hope you can drop by weekly to check out the progress of the site.

Happy reading,